July 27, 2024

Reviews, Ratings, and Resources


Vertically Maximize Browser Window - Kubuntu

Vertically Maximize The Browser Window On Kubuntu Desktop

This is slightly different than how it is done in Windows 10

Youtube Comments Not Loading

Youtube Comments Won’t Load, Let’s Try To Fix It!

You open Chrome browser to watch a youtube video and you decide to scroll down to check out the comments to find they’re not loading. You just see the progress wheel rotating around.

Youtube Comments Won't Load In Edge Browser

Youtube Comments Not Loading – EDGE BROWSER Edition

To ensure all cookies and site data was removed, we’ll do a follow-up search for Youtube (immediately after removing the Youtube cookies and sessions) just to ensure they have all been removed, and we can see in our demo video that they haven’t; the cookies were removed but it still left behind the 27,626 KB of data. So we do that second follow-up search for Youtube cookies & site data for this very reason of ensuring that all of the data and cookies have been removed.